The Flow State
Positive psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi asked an important question, one you may have also asked yourself. "What makes a life worth living?" His initial findings were that a life worth living is simply a happy life. His next question was: “where and how do we feel really happy in everyday life?” The operative word is everyday.
The Seat of Clarity
While allopathic medicine excels at treating the physical body, Ayurvedic medicine wins accolades for treating the mind, body, and soul in unison. Instead of surrendering to fear, I surrender to love. Change is a choice. Doing new things and having new experiences causes us to think of new possibilities. Creativity is born. New ideas come easily. The never ending process of self-discovery leads us back to the seat of clarity.
Costa Rica is Calling
In 2018, I moved my family to a small beach village in the Blue Zone of Costa Rica. The rationale behind the move was to simply live for a year abroad, give the children a new experience, and expose them to a new culture. It was a time to slow down and just be.